
  • lo2go

    Freeball sagging

    Posted by lo2go December 12, 2018 - 76 votes - 2,397 views
    Do you ever sag commando (no underwear)
  • HyperBaggy

    Size Matters!

    Posted by HyperBaggy October 31, 2018 - 25 votes - 2,065 views
    Now sagging isn't just about "low" and "lower", it's also about size for some of us. So how big are your (baggy) jeans/ pants? I don't wanna hear the exact size, because... if a dude wears w44'' it may SOUND much, but when he's fat, 44'' probably wouldn't be "oversized", but "fitting". So instead let's COMPARE your body's waist with the waist size of your pants. If you got a lot of different
  • Tom

    Do you like your sagger wet ?

    Posted by Tom June 7, 2018 - 78 votes - 2,020 views
  • Tom

    Silk or Cotton ?

    Posted by Tom April 22, 2018 - 82 votes - 2,699 views
    If you have to choose one...
  • Woody

    Sagging with a boner

    Posted by Woody April 12, 2018 - 138 votes - 2,234 views
    If you’re sagging below your dick and you get a boner do you..?
  • Tom

    Do you like extreme sags ?

    Posted by Tom April 9, 2018 - 87 votes - 1,890 views
    Do you like to see an extreme sag ? Do you like to wear your pants to your knees ?
  • zsagger

    What do you wear when you swim

    Posted by zsagger April 2, 2018 - 84 votes - 2,078 views
  • stonerkid

    female saggers

    Posted by stonerkid April 2, 2018 - 46 votes - 2,227 views
    how many people like wen a girl sags her pants. do u find it attractive/awesome or no u dont like it?
  • stonerkid

    sweats or jeans

    Posted by stonerkid April 2, 2018 - 77 votes - 1,911 views
    wat do yall like to sag or see someone sagging in? jeans or sweatpants. i love sweatpants but i like jeans as well
  • Tom

    Where do you sag ?

    Posted by Tom March 28, 2018 - 84 votes - 1,935 views
    Are you sagging at home or everywhere ?